Molong Express and Western District Advertiser NSW
15 Aug 1925
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the Hunter-Bailey Memorial Presbyterian Church, Johnston Street, Annandale, on Saturday last, the contracting parties being Wallace H. eldest son of Mr. William Leathem, late of Molong, and Margaret Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gillespie, of Kandos.
The officiating clergyman was Rev. F.L. A. Schloeffel. The bride was charmingly gowned in beige silk beaded morocain, with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of Iceland poppies, violets and roses.
She was attended by Miss Marjorie Emmerton, who wore navy blue silk morocain, trimmed with grey fur, and hat to tone and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas, roses and verbena.
Mr. K. G. McLintock acted as best man. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a handsome xylonite dressing table set, and to the bridesmaid a silver-mounted patent leather hand-bag, while the bride's reciprocal gift took the form of a travelling rug.
At the conclusion of the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr. License, when the usual toasts of felicitation were honored
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