Sunday, 23 April 2017

Donald Gillespie, Kandos To McPherson, Rylstone

Wellington Times NSW
5 June 1939.

The engagement has been announced of May, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. McPherson, Rylstone, to Donald, only son of Mrs. and the 
late Donald Gillespie, Kandos. 

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Margaret Catherine Gillespie, of Kandos and Wallace H. Leathem of Molong wedding 1925 in Annandale

Molong Express and Western District Advertiser NSW
15 Aug 1925

A pretty wedding was celebrated at the Hunter-Bailey Memorial Presbyterian Church, Johnston Street, Annandale, on Saturday last, the contracting parties being Wallace H. eldest son of Mr. William Leathem, late of Molong, and Margaret Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gillespie, of Kandos.

The officiating clergyman was Rev. F.L. A. Schloeffel. The bride was charmingly gowned in beige silk beaded morocain, with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of Iceland poppies, violets and roses.

She was attended by Miss Marjorie Emmerton, who wore navy blue silk morocain, trimmed with grey fur, and hat to tone and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas, roses and verbena.

Mr. K. G. McLintock acted as best man. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a handsome xylonite dressing table set, and to the bridesmaid a silver-mounted patent leather hand-bag, while the bride's reciprocal gift took the form of a travelling rug.

At the conclusion of the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr. License, when the usual toasts of felicitation were honored
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Mrs Nancy. Wootton (nee Gillespie) death Kandos 1926

The Sydney Morning Herald NSW 
29 May 1926

The death has occurred at the residence of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, Dunn-street, Kandos, of Mrs N. Wootton. Prior to her marriage Mrs Wootton was a member of the staff of the Kandos Cement Company. The deceased, who was only a young woman, had been ill for some considerable time.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative NSW    Mon 31 May 1926   

MR. NOEL. WHITTON and Mr. and Sirs. D. Gillespie, of Kandos, wish
to thank all friends for the sympathy and many kindnesses extended to them in their recent sad bereavement. 

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Mrs. W. (Margaret ) Leatham (nee Gillespie) death 1930

The Sydney Morning Herald.
29 Dec 1930

In loving memory of my dear wife and my dear mother, Margaret Catherine, who passed away December 28, 1929.
God's greatest gift-remembrance.
Inserted by her loving husband, Wally, and son, John.

Lithgow Mercury NSW Wed 15 Jan 1930

(Frorn Our Own Correspondent.)

The death occurred recently of Mrs. W. Leatham, who was formerly a resident of Kandos. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gillespie, and before her marriage was a well liked member of the younger set in Kandos.

This is the second death in the family during the past few years, the other being Peggy's sister Nancy I (Mrs. N. Woton). The late Mrs. Leatham was only in her early twenties, and her demise is regretted. She leaves a husband and a small son to mourn their loss.
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According to this she was Called Peggy not Margaret; so you learn something new every day ! I like that name Peggy "nanny Peg" sounds cute sadly never met her or even seen a photo; I have never had any grandmothers both had passed before I come in to the world

And I have a great aunt called Nancy; may be I was named after here who knows. I do know they spell the name wrong it is em not am.

Kandos Diggers Remembrance Smoko 1949

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative Thu 17 Nov 1949 
Kandos  Diggers
Remembrance Smoko 

About 70 were present at the Kandos Diggers' Remembrance Smoko on Friday night last.
The chair was occupied by president W. L. Junge, and there were in attendance Rylstone representatives  Aub Higgins (secretary) and O. Lloyd.

The toast to the league was proposed by Jack Kimble, while Hugh Hutton extended a warm welcome to the visitors.

Bill Taylor, Wal. Somerville and Jack Fowler comprised the orchestra, and turned on a grand show.
Others who assisted  to make the night such  an enjoyable one were
Don Gillespie, Bob Williams, Mick Carmichael, Walter Cox, Lin Musgrove and our old, friend Stanley.

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Mr, Don Gillespie. My great Grandfather. Death 1933

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative  Thu 20 Apr 1933 

Mr, Don Gillespie
Mr Don Gillespie, a well-known Kandos business man, who has been ailing for some time, died in the Rylstone District Hospital on Sunday, and was buried in the Rylstone
cemetery. Deceased leaves a wife and one son, Don, to mourn. 

Mr Gillespie was one of the pioneers of Kandos, coming here when the Kandos cement works were in their first constructional stage. With Mr Freestone, the consulting engineer, he
came from Scotland and worked on the aerial ropeway. 

Shortly after this was finished he started in business in Mudgee as a cordial maker, and eventually drifted back to Kandos, where he remained until his death. His son is well known in the western district as an exponent of football, and has played with the Kandos team for several years. 

Two other members of the family, both daughters, died about 6 years ago.
"Don," as he was known to every-body, was very well liked and well respected by all who knew him.

Every thing about "aerial ropeway's in Kandos" link to "Kandos and Rylstone History"

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